
Emily W. Pease grew up in Charlotte, NC and attended UNC-Greensboro (providing a sweet memory of Allen Tate guest teaching there) before graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill with an honors degree in English with additional concentration in journalism.  Following three years of odd jobs, including writing for two small newspapers, teaching English in an alternative school, and delivering lunches in an old milk truck to public parks, she attended Virginia Tech, where she received an MA in English. After a few years of adjunct teaching (Virginia Wesleyan University, Thomas Nelson Community College, William & Mary), she entered the Warren Wilson MFA Program for Writers, working with Susan Neville, Andrea Barrett, Kevin McIlvoy, and Claire Messud.

She went on to teach at William & Mary in their writing program from 2000-2015. Each summer during that time, she served as the Writer-In-Residence for the Eastern Virginia Writing Project, a teaching and writing institute that met at William & Mary. Since 2015, she has taught college composition at the Virginia Correctional Center for Women, creative writing with the Armed Services Arts Partnership, and fiction and nonfiction workshops at the Muse Writers Center in Norfolk, VA.

Pease is the mother of three children, now adults, and two grandchildren. Her children have proved to be generous, hilarious, creative people who’ve brought equally generous, hilarious and creative spouses/partners into the family. And then there are the grandchildren, whose wild embrace of life makes the future feel hopeful.


It all started when…

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